First Night-Out (Gone Wrong)

The summer vacations just headed, I gave my HSC exam and started this computer course called Tally. As always, I and my family go to our native place for some peace and relaxation from this crowded and always “busy” city. I was unable to make plans with my family to our native place due to this course which initially proceeded and the insider talk (even I was not interested to go…) I wanted to stay back HOME ALONE and experience this thing once in my lifetime. So, my family went to the natives leaving me behind, trust me guys I was on cloud 9 that time, I was so damn happy that finally, I’ll get some privacy and even experience something which I never has… One of my best friend Dipty used to come for the sleepover at my place, after all, I was left alone for the first time and my parents were hell ’a worried for me. A few days later, my neighbor Samiksha asked me whether she can join for the sleepover as well, and WHY NOT???????? What should I not say about Sam(iksha), she is t...